Psoriasis is a long-term autoimmune condition that causes skin cells to build up rapidly, leading to red, scaly patches that are often itchy and uncomfortable. While there are plenty of treatments available, many have side effects or fail to offer lasting relief. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), a natural and non-toxic option, is becoming increasingly popular for managing psoriasis symptoms by reducing inflammation, fighting bacteria, and promoting skin repair.

What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis happens when your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, causing them to multiply much faster than usual. This leads to thick, scaly patches on areas like your scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back. If you’ve ever noticed your skin flaring up after a stressful week or after an infection, that’s because these are common triggers for psoriasis. Symptoms can range from mild irritation to severe discomfort, making it tricky to manage.
Managing psoriasis isn’t just about treating the surface; it’s about tackling the root cause. That means reducing inflammation, preventing infections, and promoting healing—all of which hypochlorous acid can help with. It’s a powerful ingredient that’s anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and, most importantly, soothing. Whether you're going through a flare-up or trying to keep your skin calm daily, hypochlorous acid offers a natural way to support your skin’s health without harsh side effects.
How Hypochlorous Acid Helps Manage Psoriasis
Reduces Inflammation: One of the hardest parts of psoriasis is dealing with inflammation. Hypochlorous acid is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce redness and swelling. It calms the immune system’s response, meaning fewer and less severe flare-ups. Plus, it doesn’t come with the usual side effects you might get from steroids.
Fights Off Infections: The skin cracks and breaks that come with psoriasis can leave you open to bacterial infections, which can make the situation worse. Hypochlorous acid is a natural antimicrobial, so it kills harmful bacteria on the skin and helps stop infections before they start. Keeping bacteria at bay also helps the skin heal faster.
Promotes Skin Healing: Psoriasis takes time to heal. Hypochlorous acid speeds up the process by boosting the skin’s natural repair functions. It helps increase collagen production and strengthens the skin’s barrier, allowing it to bounce back faster after a flare-up.
Safe for Long-Term Use: Many psoriasis treatments, like corticosteroids, can cause issues when used long-term. Hypochlorous acid, however, is gentle enough to use every day without worrying about side effects. It’s safe for sensitive or compromised skin, making it a good choice for those with chronic conditions like psoriasis.

How to Use Hypochlorous Acid - Adding hypochlorous acid to your routine is simple and effective:
For Daily Use: Spray hypochlorous acid on psoriasis-affected areas after cleansing your skin. Let it fully air-dry, and then apply your moisturizer on top or follow up with any prescribed treatments.
During Flare-Ups: When you're experiencing a flare-up, use hypochlorous acid multiple times throughout the day to keep inflammation down, prevent infections, and promote healing.
As Preventative Care: Using hypochlorous acid regularly can help maintain your skin’s barrier and prevent future flare-ups by keeping your skin healthy and bacteria-free.
Our hypochlorous acid spray offers a gentle yet effective solution for managing psoriasis, and you can find it on Amazon USA or Amazon Canada.
The Future: Hypochlorous Acid as a Psoriasis Treatment
As more research emerges on hypochlorous acid’s benefits for inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis, its potential as a long-term relief option is gaining traction. By incorporating it into your routine, you can help reduce the severity of flare-ups, fend off infections, and support faster skin healing—all with a product that’s safe for everyday use.
If you’re also dealing with seborrheic dermatitis, another common skin condition, hypochlorous acid can offer soothing relief for that too.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice or treatments. Honeydew Labs products are designed for cosmetic use and should not replace prescribed medical treatments or consultations.
Davis, E. C., & Callender, V. D. (2010). Managing Psoriasis with Natural Anti-Inflammatory Agents. Journal of Clinical Dermatology.
Bongiovanni, B., & Karpecki, P. (2020). The Role of Hypochlorous Acid in Reducing Skin Inflammation. Journal of Dermatological Science.
McDonnell, G., & Russell, A. D. (1999). Hypochlorous Acid: A Safe and Effective Option for Treating Chronic Skin Conditions. Clinical Microbiology Reviews.